Its been a while since posting here, I wanted to put out a post since the Async feature in PictureEffectsRaw finally came out and so far its been great success.
So what is next ? Many are waiting for GTK3 version of the TreeView so TreeView is getting most of the time those days.
Milestone 2 has been reached with the TreeView for GTK3 so far, so a lot has been done. Where Milestone 1 was to get it to compile and Milestone 2 to get it to actually run on GTK3.
Left to do is to make all Theme objects draw correctly on GTK3 so under GTK3 things like scrollbar and checkboxes and other such are not drawing but the control in whole though working.
Users who are desperate to test their apps under GTK3 can get Alpha versions if they wish.
Theme parts left to handle in some what for milestone 3:
Frame theme part – done
Expanders in native mode – done
Checkboxes – done